Up-to-date advice and guidance on Coronavirus for employers

Reality HR’s experienced team have kept employers informed throughout the pandemic. As the Coronavirus continues to have a huge impact on our working lives, our dedicated hub provides the latest advice along with factsheets and downloadable guides.

We also have a wealth of free resources which are designed to help you and your people through these next few months, which may include a return to the workplace or perhaps a hybrid of home and workplace. You may be re-onboarding staff, bringing in new recruits or reorganising your teams.

Our Bespoke toolkits include support from one of our HR Consultants. Full pricing and information can be found on the links below.

If you would like the team to help interpret guidance for your business, contact us.

Now’s the time to REFOCUS…on your company culture


As we’re in a new transition period with many businesses moving back to the workplace, or adopting hybrid working, your company culture may feel very different than it used to.

With our Refocus campaign, we are here to support employers in rebuilding company culture. This includes a focus on the role of a manager, recruitment, retention and how to keep on top of it.


A HR Roadmap for Employers throughout the pandemic


We thought it was important for employers to have a pathway of their own to help plan ahead. Our own HR Roadmap will help you start thinking about how your people will be working in the future and the challenges that may come with these changes.

Click the image to download the pdf.

Ten steps to hybrid working

As workplaces re-open, recent surveys strongly suggest many organisations will have a mix of home and workplace-based employees for months to come, if not indefinitely. While mass homeworking was forced upon employers at very short notice in 2020, we have time to plan this latest change more carefully as we step along the road to full re-opening – and it’s important to get it right. This guide is designed to walk you through that process.

Read our hybrid working guide

Coronavirus HR Toolkits

Our toolkits are comprehensive, affordable packages which include policies, guidance and templates tailored to your business by our HR experts.

NEW – Hybrid Working Toolkit

This toolkit offers vital information for employers whose people will be working on a hybrid model temporarily or permanently. It includes practical advice and guidance from one of our HR Consultants, as well as bespoke policies and documents tailored to your organisation.

Find full details on the hybrid working toolkit here.

Redundancy Toolkit

We are offering a new redundancy toolkit to provide step by step, easy guidance for managers. The toolkit includes an hour’s support from one of our HR Consultants who will introduce the toolkit and answer any of your questions.

Download the redundancy toolkit here.

Rebalance – New Ways of Working Toolkit

Right now, you may be facing a new challenge as you navigate returning your teams to the workplace, continue supporting remote working or adopting a blended approach. This Toolkit is a comprehensive package of tailored guidance, policies and templates that will help you and your people adapt to this changed way of working.

Download the rebalance – new ways of working toolkit here.

We have a range of courses that are especially relevant at this time:

Homeworking for managers

We will provide your managers the skills and practical knowledge they need to manage their remote teams.

Homeworking for employees

We will talk your team through some handy hints and tips to make their home working experience as safe, effective and efficient as possible.

Employee Wellbeing

We have courses for both employees and managers. These sessions raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing issues, and for managers,  provide practical tools to support employees.


This detailed session will cover all the statutory and best practice processes you and your managers need to follow when considering a redundancy situation.

Get in touch with any HR concerns or questions.

Have your concerns answered by a HR Consultant. We will respond to your query within 24 hours. No obligation.

    Someone will get back you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements further.

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