Course description

We will provide your managers the skills and practical knowledge they need to manage their remote teams.

We will consider the legal obligations around health and safety, risk assessments and Display Screen Equipment and practical communication strategies, such as how to effectively keep in touch, encourage collaboration and offer support.

We will also look at how to monitor and manage performance remotely and support the mental health and wellbeing of a remote team.

Course agenda

  • Legal obligations relating to health and safety, risk assessments and Display Screen Equipment assessments
  • Communicating remotely
  • Managing performance
  • Supporting your teams mental health and wellbeing 


Recommended duration: 2-4 hours

We can adapt the agenda depending on your requirements/needs.
Please discuss this with our team.

Suitable for: all managers with a remote and/or hybrid team

            Learner Objectives

            By the end of the session, participants will be able to: 

            • Know the companies’ health and safety obligations when manging a remote workforce 
            • Be aware of some common communication pitfalls, and be able to tailor their personal communication style to a remote setting  
            • Recognise how the performance management process can be implemented in a remote environment  
            • Understand how to support their teams’ wellbeing across virtual boundaries 

              Why not add a toolkit to your training session?

              Our toolkits help you get the best out of your teams, ensuring they are motivated, engaged and performing to the best of their potential. The toolkit will include easy to follow guides, notes and templates, including one hour’s support from an HR Consultant that will ensure a consistent and effective approach to managing.

              Discuss your training needs

              Fill in the form below and a member of our team will get back to you.

                Management and leadershipHR and employment lawMental health and wellbeingEDI and dignity at work

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