Helping individuals to reach their potential

Unlock your team’s full potential with our services. We specialise in uncovering the key drivers of success and breaking down barriers, helping to enhance your employees’ performance for sustained growth.

Our approach to coaching

We believe a fundamental principle of coaching is creating a safe space where the coachee can open up and explore their deepest thoughts without fear of being judged – the starting point therefore is to establish a relationship of trust, something we pride ourselves on being experts in.

We also firmly believe that the coachee has the answers and our role is to use appropriate questioning techniques to help them dig deep, gain a better understanding of themselves, their drivers and build future solutions which help both individual and organisational growth.

      Coaching sessions are coachee centric and therefore the approach and models used will be adapted throughout the coaching sessions to ensure they elicit the best results.

      A coaching relationship will normally last for a minimum of 4 sessions to allow for deeper exploration of topics and help the coachee become comfortable in exploring the uncomfortable and feel empowered to identify potential solutions and plan changes for their future success.

      Get in touch for more information

      Why coaching?

      Unlike other L&D interventions, coaching is all about the individual’s values, motivators and specific needs. This means that it has the power to identify and find solutions to unlock enablers, creating more sustainable development.

      Historically, executive coaching has been perceived as something only accessible to senior leaders or those identified as future talent in their organisation. Whilst this is still relevant, we recognise that the benefits of coaching to individuals and organisations extends far beyond this group and here are just a few examples of solutions which have been beneficial as part of both operational and broader strategic plans:

      • Coaching can be used strategically to address challenges in your business such as a misalignment between company values and employees’ vision; navigating change; increasing employee engagement and empowering your leadership team
      • Introducing management coaching as part of your ways of working enhances a learning culture which helps create readiness for the future; coaching as a development tool creates a safe place for your leaders and future talent to explore their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgement which leads to greater confidence and increased feelings of engagement and empowerment
      • Team coaching and management coaching can help increase collaboration and creativity, at any stage of storming forming and norming!

      We recognise that every business and every individual is unique and we will work with you to develop a bespoke coaching programme that supports your business ambitions.

      Meet Donna, our lead coach

      Backed by more than 30 years of experience, Donna is a skilled professional who specialises in executive coaching, Insights and Leadership development.

      As a coach, Donna is known for her inclusive and honest approach, building trusting relationships where she encourages people to open up by pushing them to explore motivators or blockers which may be hidden beneath the surface. Where a specific or niche skill set, or maybe just a different approach, Donna works with a team of associate coaches to make sure that we can build the best coaching relationships and maximise the ROI from your coaching.








      What our clients say

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      Discuss your coaching needs with us

      Contact us to discuss the best way to approach coaching and the benefits it could have for your employees and your business.

        Someone will get back you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements further.