Accurate employment contracts and appropriate HR policies are important for all employers as they form the basis of the employment relationship with their people. As well as being legally required, these documents ensure that employer and employee alike both understand what is required of each of them, right from the start of working together.
Written contracts and agreements will set out what you are asking of your employee, and what they will receive in return, so there is no confusion or misunderstanding at any time.
Your employment policies should be easily accessible and readily available, often set out in an Employee Handbook or as separate policies on your intranet, and they should accurately reflect how your business works, paint a picture of your culture and ways of working, and communicate your approach to managing and supporting your people.
With changes in employment legislation announced earlier this year, and further changes likely with the new Government, your current contracts and policies may be out of date or no longer compliant. Reality HR can review your documents free of charge, and recommend any changes that may be needed now or in the coming months.
We work in partnership with our clients, advising them of upcoming changes in legislation and trends, and updating and revising contracts, policies and management practices in the most appropriate way to protect your business and your people.
A good employee handbook sets out what the employer and employee can expect of each other; communicating the way things work, how everyone is expected to conduct themselves, who employees can turn to if they need support, and what they can expect from you as their employer or manager.
It also provides information about everything from holidays and time away from work, to disciplinary and grievance, using IT and company systems, employee benefits, and acceptable behaviours.
As one of the first things new starters will see, the handbook is a vital tool in engaging new staff and giving them a view of what it is like to work with you. It should be a part of every induction, and then continue to support throughout the working relationship.
Every business is different, so no two employee handbooks will be the same. Our consultants work closely with business owners and managers to produce handbooks that not only support the legal employment contract, but also reflect the unique tone, personality, culture and values of your company.
Contracts are an important tool in underpinning the working relationship and ensuring that both parties understand what is expected of each other. Employers are legally obliged to issue employment contracts on the first day of employment. Terms will range to cover many aspects from pay, benefits and length of service, through to requirements around notice periods, confidentiality and intellectual property.
Poorly-drafted or non-existent employment contracts are a huge risk to a business, storing up potential problems for the future – particularly when conflict arises or an employee exits the business.
Different contracts or agreements should be used depending on the nature of relationship, whether permanent, fixed term, part time, term time, zero hours or casual, and not forgetting that anyone engaged on a freelance or self-employed basis will require a completely different agreement again. Different terms and conditions may be appropriate based on the role or seniority of the individual.
Our consultants are specialists in working with business owners, managers and in-house HR teams to draft the most appropriate contracts and agreements to each situation, that are easy-to-understand and up-to-date with current legal requirements.
Your employment policies and contracts may no longer be legally compliant given recent changes to employment legislation. It is important you have these reviewed now to identify any required changes, if you haven’t already done so.
Someone will get back you as soon as possible to discuss your requirements further.
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